Thursday, February 11, 2010

Don't do this, Do do that

I'm new at this so I am giving Mama kat's writing Prompt a try.  I decided to write a list of do's and don'ts.  Now I am a fairly serious person although my family might say I more so am a person with a big sense of humor.  Which is true, I do like to joke around, but I like to look at life as though I could learn and teach from every thing in it.  So bearing this in mind here is my list.
Don't kick your sibling so hard you break your bones
don't be so afraid to fail that you don't try to succeed
don't be in a hurry and miss what is right in front of you
don't run in the rain you'll get wetter than just walking in it 
don't think one cookie spoils your whole diet
don't underestimate the power of a mother
don't back up your car without looking behind you
don't take the blame to cover up for someone else
don't marry someone you only met through the mail
don't throw rocks at people just in rivers
don't put yourself down
don't settle for less, you are always worth it         don't smoke if you do stop if you don't don't ever start!!!
Do love your Kids(family)                       do live life, don't just exist
do love yourself                                       do all you can to be all you can YOU CAN
do be brave                                             do be silly, or funny people will laugh with you not at you
do know you are not alone                       do exercise  the sooner the better
do play, laugh, and love everyday             do eat healthy and be strong in body
do read, watch t.v., relax                          do what you can to believe in yourself 
I think these are pretty good do's and don'ts  I hope to strive to live by them myself some I already do some I am working Towards.  As far as smoking I quit and it was the best thing I have done for myself in years.  


Holly Lefevre said...

A fantastic list of do's and dont's that can remind us all of some simple things we can forget.

Stopping by from Mama Kat's

Unknown said...

Great list! I love the pictures you included! They made me smile!

Amber Page Writes said...

It's a great list! I'd add a caveat to running in the rain,'s okay if you're running through puddles and the object is to splash!

Carolynn said...

Good list for anyone to take advantage of.

Lourie said...

You should have clarified that there was not a typo in the #1 don't. Yes, you meant NOT to break YOUR OWN bones...hahaha. great list sis! Glad you decided to come and play.

Emmy said...

Great list! And I couldn't help but laugh at the first one... you and your silly sister.

And congrats again on quitting smoking, that truly is amazing!!