Friday, February 5, 2010

Ten things I learned since I became a Mother

I heard there was a writing prompt to name ten things you've learned since you became a mother so I decided to take that challenge.
The three loves of my life... what I have learned from them is priceless.

  1. first of all I learned unconditional love knows no bounds
  2. I learned that your example is only so much they become their own individual person.
  3. your child does become your friend
  4. only fight the battles worth fighting
  5. it cost a lot of money to raise a child to 18 and so on
  6. children can really make you smile
  7. you lift them up but they also lift you up
  8. giving to them is easy and simple cause all they really need is love
  9. letting them grow up is hard
  10. and from my grandma I learned, first you worry about your kids, then your kids kids, then your kids kids kids, and I am really looking forward to that.


Carolynn said...

It is hard to believe Eric was ever that chubby.

Ten good things.

Emmy said...

Great list! And love the picture of Eric!

Lourie said...

Eric chubby??? Hahaha. It is hard to believe all right.