Sunday, February 14, 2010

Aunt Geoff and Uncle Phylis

Many years ago, as was this photo taken, however the picture is older than the names, my then little girl, Nicole, age about four called these two Aunt Geoff and Uncle Phylis.
The little guy in their arms is their first born Chris.  Anyway I bring up Aunt Geoff and Uncle Phylis on Valentine's Day becuase I learned a sweet story about them. 
It is almost as sweet as their names.
Uncle Geoff told me that when Phylis' Grandfather came home from ww1 it was on Valentine's day and they had a special celebration. 
They made fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and a special two layer heart shaped devils food cake with pudding filling. 
Well the tradition kept on with her parents on Valentine and I was speaking to "Aunt" Geoff this morning and he was looking for the heart shaped pan for the cake as they have carried out the tradition of Phylis' family as well all these years.  I didn't ask but I do wish I had I wonder if her daughter Joann keeps it up?


Carolynn said...

That is a sweet story.

I am on a roll. I have learned two new things today.

Lourie said...

Awww. We are boring here. Nothing special like that. Hopefully Joann does carry that on.

Emmy said...

That is a great story!